A letter to an untold story
I am sitting here. At the phone. This is the phone where I announced a child was dying. Lauchie. I didn't know him well. But he is a huge part of me now. I was sitting at the craft table making David his 100th spongebob when Lara came over to me and said 'we need to call someone' and ran off. I turned around and Lauchie was lying down his Dad looking concerned. Lauchie started crying, like he had a little fall. I looked at my feet. Blood. From where? I look at Lauchie about 4 meters away. He's bleeding. My body kicks right into action. It's like a trance state but without the peace. Like I'm spinning off into space, the only thing holding me to earth is my determination to help. That happens in an instant. That instant feels like a slow 10 minutes but the next 10 minutes feel like an instant. Lara's at the phon 'who do I call?' she calls a code blue - or is it MET? - Dad screams for a fist aid kit I grab it and fumble fumblefumble fucking hands sta...